Tuesday 7 June 2016

Web Hosting Company Choosing

There are too many web hosting companies over there all over the world but just some of them are really reliable and providing real 24/7 service. We always consider benefits of web hosting companies while buying a web hosting. You could ask them whether they have firewall, 24/7 support, backup options, CDN options and any other free products.
          Some of UK web hosting companies are offering too many free services. Everyone able to test their services for risk free. 
          Some other important point is about panel supports. You could ask them whether they support one click CMS ( Wordpress, Joomla, Opencart ) installation opportunity .Also , we would know whether they support free migration from another web hosting company.
One of other point is about cost of web hosting related other services. Let’s say SSL, IP , Bandwidth etc.  Sometime some products could contain hiding cost and require minimum 6 months or more subscriptions etc. 
        All those things are showing us  some of hosting companies could do some misleading because of marketing purpose. 

         The best thing before buying hosting is to talk to the company all details and ask all what you want to know. Also You could read some reviews about the your preferred hosting company.

Please feel free to contact us to get completely free support from our 24/7 support team at www.createregister.com

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Benefits of Hosting Your Website With A Dedicated Server

Benefits of Hosting Your Website With A Dedicated Server

Unlike shared web hosting, dedicated server hosting is more efficient, provides additional security and subsequently means less problems. Dedicated server hosting services are usually used by companies that have a large data flow. Dedicated hosting means that you have an independent website that is just partially run by a provider. This is a completely opposite service from shared hosting since the server is completely dedicated to you and your online visitors. Dedicated hosting can definitely be one of the important elements of an effective online marketing strategy.

Dedicated hosting characteristics
·             Faster upload: as a provider is dedicated exclusively to your websites, upload time will be significantly shorter. This definitely has an effect on maintaining the traffic level on your websites.
·             More control: in this case, you are your own boss. Activities of other users can't harm your website functioning. You can install whichever application you want. With dedicated hosting you have complete control because the functioning of your website is completely up to you. Because you independently follow and regulate your server, the costs will be higher. You will have to invest more in hardware and security and regularly perform sustainability checks.
·             Higher level of security: a dedicated server provides a higher level of security. This is ensured by the complete control over security measures and you can implement whatever you think is necessary or appropriate. The web host provider in this case provides data storage.

For those starting an online business, the advantages of a dedicated web server are simply priceless. Dedicated hosting means control and the possibility to express your creativity to the fullest. It means that you can run your business in a better and more reliable way, and in this case better means more profit.

When choosing a certain dedicated hosting service, take into account your technical knowledge and consider whether you need server host support or not and what level of support you can get. This will also be an important factor when choosing one provider over another.

Please feel free to contact us to get completely free support from our 24/7 support team at www.createregister.com

Thursday 19 May 2016

When you decide to improve business results and online visibility, it is important to invest in a company that will create a website which will be part of your business vision and follow your business goals. Modern technologies give you more choices and options that can easily lead you to choosing a Web Design Company that will not create a website you need. Offers, prices, references – you can spend hours comparing web design companies without figuring out which one is the best for you. Here are some pointers how to make the right choice of a web design company to develop your website.

1) Have a clear idea what you want to tell about your company on a website. Have a clear knowledge of history as well as a mission and a vision. With the strong idea of what your business goals are and how a website will contribute to your business with certain functionalities and information, it will be easier to focus on the best web developer for your company.

2) Recommendations are important and will make your choice easier. Look at your competition’s websites, especially those that thrill you with their design and general impression. Web designers often leave a signature and link at the bottom of the site. If you notice a repeating name of a web design company, visit their website and look through their references. Personal recommendations are also a valid source of information.

After you have visited the websites of several web design companies to see their references, it will be easier to narrow down the choice on several that attract you more than others with their quality and creative web design as well as functional and easy to use websites. Contact them to get first hand info on what each of these few has to offer to you.

4) Prices and deadlines are also an important element for your final choice. If you want a unique solution and individualized approach, don't be surprised if the price is higher than you expected. In the end, make sure to put all the elements of your agreement into a written contract.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Benefits and Features of Linux Reseller Hosting

Reseller hosting is a type of shared hosting with some added benefits. Reseller hosting is a good solution for people that are in web design that want to offer a complete solution to their clients (Linux reseller hosting plan as well as web design). Resellers lease certain disc resources and provide them to their users as they see fit. Considering that this is still shared hosting, reseller clients should still follow all the rules of the shared hosting package.

If you consider getting yourself a Linux reseller hosting plan, you will be able to work with your resources on a Parallel Plesk control panel or a WHM because these control panels don't require lots of technical knowledge and still enable you to make the most of the best Linux reseller hosting. The hosting service is in charge and takes care of hosting hardware and infrastructure, while you have the freedom to configure, update and secure the server data. You will be able to maintain your own client base with the easy to use control panel. Reseller hosting comes with an unlimited number of domains as well as user accounts – as much as you can afford.

With a reseller hosting service, you have the freedom to create web hosting packages under your own brand and determine their price and characteristics. As a reseller, you will be able to control your service through a simple control panel. If it happens that you encounter some problems, you can get hosting provider customer service help.

When it comes to the best Linux reseller hosting, you should look for redundant resources, which means you will have high availability of service at most times. Most of the reseller packages can be upgraded with elements that will suit the reseller’s needs, such as additional IP addresses or bandwidth. There are also options to change the reseller hosting package.

Friday 13 May 2016

What Are the Key Advantages of High-Availability VPS?

VPS provides you an opportunity to maintain complete control and functionality of a dedicated server, including control over booting and backup, while at the same time you still have the advantages of shared hosting: running updates of the operative system, security patches and more affordable prices.

VPS hosting offers excellent performance and good functionality, while at the same time giving you full access to remote web administrator control. Through your control panel you can supervise, control, boot, backup and restore all parts of a VPS server.

Advantages of High-Availability VPS
  • High performance of VPS Hosting – VPS efficient system architecture performs on the level of home servers. VPS doesn't use virtual hardware but accesses actual hardware and drivers present on the server. VPS performances make it extremely favorable for applications with high demands, such as database and email server.

  • Adaptability and easy migration on a dynamic dedicated hosting – Every VPS can over time increase the usability of resources to the max allowed by the physical server on which it works. Using a unique strategy for the migration of the server, you will ensure minimum down time of your server and VPS can easily be transferred on another server in order to perform service or upgrading without alarming clients.

  • Efficient virtualization – VPS effective technologies make these servers the best accessible platforms for the virtualization. The quality of OS, sharing resources between VPSs, creating a ready-made system and application configurations are just some of the many options that enable effective implementation and their usage in your organization.

  • Consolidated OS and application control mean less work for you – VPS uses one OS, which makes it very easy to maintain and to update all virtual servers working under it. VPS administrators never need to worry about new versions of OS or security patches because VPS administrators do this work in a core level.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Beware of Domain Name Registration Scams!

There are a variety of scams that include bulk domain registration or single domain name registration, but they usually include suspicious registrars who try out different methods to get money from you or want to take your (successful) domain from you by scam and then blackmail you to pay to get it back.

For example, there is a case when scammers search through a database to locate domains that will soon expire and will need to be renewed. Then the scammer sends an email with a seemingly official looking memo with an invoice urging you to pay for the domain renewal. Besides paying the scammer instead of your actual registrar for renewal of registration, they often include a domain name transfer to someone else, so you will not only pay for nothing but will also give away your domain name! This fraud works the best in case of bulk domain registration when you need to keep an eye on numerous different websites/domains, which can be a problem if you work alone and simply don't have time to pay attention to all the details.

There is also a case of a scam with trademark security. The trademark is important for serious companies, because a breach of trademark is considered a breach of law in the majority of countries and every businessman wants to abide by the law.  In this case, the scammer will send an email stating that in their state there is a certain company that has submitted a request to register a domain with your name/brand. They will offer you consultancy services and state that if you authorize them, they will prevent that registration, or they will tell you that if you send them the money, they will register your brand/name domain onto you for several years in advance.

In general, the advice is to ignore these scammers and inform others about such cases.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Why Do You Need a Managed VPS Server?

Managed VPS Hosting is that class of VPS hosting where you rent the necessary resources with the provider along with the managing services. In this service, the client doesn't have complete access to the server because the hosting company guarantees the quality of service, i.e., the hosting company takes administrative care to solve all the problems that happen on the server while it works. You need this type if you have demanding web services and you want to focus YOUR resources on the quality of these services while the web hosting company makes sure that your website (and your services) is always available.

You are required this kind if you need to ensure proper and permanent availability of website services because occasional unavailability could cause significant financial loss (online shop, financial online services, banking, etc.)
VPS Hosting UK

Managed VPS Hosting most often means that the provider is taking care of all server monitoring, updating to the latest versions of installed software, taking care of backup, administration of the server on demand, etc. However, in these situations it can often happen that it is not completely clear who is responsible in the case when the website crashes (quite often a service claims there is nothing wrong with the server, and software developers claim that everything is fine with the application – but the fact is that website doesn't work properly).

Fully managed one implies that the hosting provider also takes full responsibility for the design, implementation, maintenance and overview of all system elements (network, server and storage platform, system and applicative software), the administration of all services as well as the communication with the programming team and continuous consulting on the works of optimization of functions, testing, migration and the increase of the security of the hosted system. Fully managed provides a guarantee for the website availability and not just for the server alone.

Monday 2 May 2016

Tips for Tracking Email Marketing Campaigns

Newsletters are a common part of most marketing campaigns, but if you are a beginner in this marketing process or are considering options to improve it, this text will provide some pointers of what should be taken into account when considering what the best email marketing services and tools are.

How to track the email marketing campaign

1) Google Analytics is an excellent (and very easy to use) tool for email marketing tracking. You just have to properly tag every URL address you use in the campaign. When creating URLs, it is important to enter tags properly and to be consistent and systematic in order to be able to compare campaigns and their sources and mediums. These are mandatory parameters in order to track the email campaign’s effect: medium, source and campaign. In the source, put the URL address or server name from where you send the newsletters.

2) It is worth mentioning other tools as well. For example, Mailchimp and HubSpot software follow your newsletters in a simple way, enabling you to connect with your Google Analytics account and see all relevant statistics of opened and read mails, click percentage, bounce rate, unsubscribed users, etc. Before sending the newsletter, part of the tracking code can be changed into a sending date so that it is easy and simple to follow how each newsletter "acts" and what it brings in marketing terms. This allows for follow up of important metrics such as number of visits, bounce rate, number of opened pages per visit and maybe even the most important element: the average total time each visitor spent on your site.

Avinash Kaushik in his blog named four important metrics for newsletter marketing success:
  •     Delivery rate = (# of emails sent – # of bounce backs) / # of emails sent
  •     Click-to-deliver rate (CTDR) = # of clicks / # of emails delivered
  •     Open rate = # of emails opened / # of emails delivered
  •     Subscriber retention rate = # subscribers – bounce backs – unsubscribes / # subscribers

In his text Email Marketing: Best Practices, Metrics, Campaign Analysis, Kaushik describes in detail how to track newsletter success and why email marketing is a profitable channel and a necessary part for your online business success.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Is Your Hosting Provider SEO Friendly – Checklist

Are you aware of Search Engine Optimization or how the web hosting company should be responsible for the SEO of your website? If you are a beginner, it is possible to think that the SEO is only about keeping the SEO settings for the website for both off-page and on-page content.  However, what you should know is that the hosting company will play a great role in the SEO of your site.  It is good to have a checklist that you can use to identify if the hosting provider will improve your SEO strategies.

The host should be able to provide the best hosting plans for WordPress. WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms, and it is easy to create a WordPress page using different SEO factors with it. Check if your host is able to offer the best plans for WordPress. 

Bonus SEO service for the add-ons:

Your hosting company should offer search engine optimization service such as the website submission to Yahoo, Bing and Google. Yahoo offers free ad credits in order to help in building the first promotional traffic.  Such services can be used for a new blog since getting the traffic to a new website can be difficult.

Getting a dedicated IP address for the server:

Having a dedicated IP is a good idea since it tells the search engines that you have a website presence and a geo location.  You have to make sure that the hosting company has a good reputation and that it is able to provide the dedicated IP without too much fluctuating of the IP addresses.

Dedicated IP Address
Up Time Percentage:

You should not go for any option that does not offer 99.99 percent uptime when it comes to choosing the hosting company.  This is among the key factors that can help keep the SEO of the website in good standing.  When the website has frequent downtime, then search engines will also start to ignore it.

When you are a beginner, you will not have any choice when it comes to a shared hosting plan.  But you have to know the number of websites that share the host with you. Keep in mind that the fewer number of sites, the better the performance.

Before you decide to join any web hosting company, you should check how the company scores in the above areas.

Thursday 21 April 2016

How to Choose The Right Web Design Company?

Nowadays, there are lots of companies which offer web design and development services, so how can you opt for the one which is worth your trust as well as money? Well, here I have outlined a few tips that you should consider before choosing any web design company.

1) Make sure that the web design company you have selected, has a well-designed website for themselves. So that you can instantly get the hint of what they can do to your website.

2) Check out whether the website design packages are available on their website or not. Because this shows that they are honest and transparent. Also, it can give a good idea of what to expect from them.

3) Take a look at their services page and check out what type of services they provide.

4) Visit their portfolio section to get real evidences of their work.

5) Yes, it is very true that you get what you pay. So, do not go with the cheapest quote because it can cost your business in other ways.

6) Also, check their customer services and responsiveness to make sure how quickly does someone get back to you? Are they always responding quickly to your phone calls and emails?

If you are looking for a web design company in London, then contact Create Register today! We provide quality services with 24/7 tech support at affordable prices. For any query, call us at +44.203.2902515.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Things to Look For When Choosing a Web Design Service

If you are searching the Internet you will find thousands of pages discussing website design and development. However, the problem is which company you should choose? This choice can become even more difficult if you have never been through the process of designing a website before. What you can expect and what factors to consider when choosing your website designer is probably a difficult one to answer for you. Below are some key aspects to think of before making a decision for a web design services.

Web Design Services

Previous Work

A great prediction can be made on the basis of their previous work done. Most web design companies will have a portfolio section on their website. This should give you an idea of their creativity and gives you a firsthand view of what sort of creativity you can anticipate from your designer. 

Get Referrals

So you have finally found a website design service that you like. Make sure you get contact numbers of the companies that have used this particular website designer. To get referrals you may also check the reviews of their previous customers on the website. Find out if these websites were created in a per-specified time period and also about the level of service they offer. 

Understand the Process

A good web design company must be able to explain to you the way design process will be followed. Make sure that this process has been explained to you clearly. Time-lines should be put in place, and we would recommend you to pay after each phase of the project is finished.


The real value (and thus price) of a website is estimated by a number of factors. Below are a couple of things that are needed to be inspected in order to determine the price of your website.

1) Number of website pages –
number of website pages will help you evaluate the cost of a website. The more pages you need, the more costly the site will become.

2) Development – if your website is more than just a normal brochure site, the price may go up significantly. The moment where databases need to be involved, makes the project more complex.

Clarity on Expectations

Although it is crucial to ensure that your web designer is proficient, it is just as critical to make sure that your expectations are completely being fulfilled and that you have a clear view of what you would like to add up in your website. It can be very frustrating for the website developer if you do not have a clear idea of what you need. 

Hopefully, you will find this article of great help. Although, there are many other things you can do to make the website more interactive, but these are the basics to follow when starting with a web design service.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Benefits of Choosing Dedicated Server Hosting

If you want to ensure that your visitors are capable of browsing and loading your website quickly and with ease, then I would suggest you to go with dedicated sever hosting. It can supply power and control for your network management needs, while keeping your network safe and saving both your time and money. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of it:

Dedicated Server Hosting

1) Performance

Dedicated hosting servers are considered as the most powerful hosting option because it is not shared in any way by other accounts or business. All the hardware and software resources on the server are dedicated to your business only which can maximize performance. And better performance means happier customers and more revenue. 

Dedicated Hosting

2) Greater Reliability

It is considered as the most reliable web host due to its non-sharing behavior. Processor power, disk space, and memory are not shared with other sites ensuring significantly higher uptime. We at Create Register, we promise 99.99% network uptime with advanced features and 24/7 tech support.

3) Greater Control and Flexibility

It provide the greater control over the server and hosting. Also, it allows a client the flexibility of customizing the server to the clients unique needs for CPU, RAM, disk space and software

4) Unique IP Address

Each dedicated server have it’s own unique IP address that protect your website any kind of cyber attack. But in shared hosting, all the other websites on the server share the same IP address and, therefore, the performance of one website impacts other sites.

5) Fully Customizable

Dedicated hosting servers are fully customizable. You can use any software which are really important for running websites. Also, you can install caching software which will boost your server performance.  In other words, you have full control on your server and you can makes changes in it according to your requirements.

So, all of these benefits makes it a great choice for any business. At Create Register, we provide reliable hosting with all of the above mentioned benefits at affordable prices. For any query, call us +44.230.2902515 now!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

5 SEO Tips to Build an Effective SEO Campaign

SEO is a practice of optimizing search engines for better website rankings. Every website, big or small, needs website SEO in order to be on the top of search results. In fact, it’s impossible these days for you to stay in the competition without organizing an SEO campaign. So, if you want to set up a powerful SEO base, here are 5 key tips you can follow.

1) Keywords and Placement: After performing the research and setting up the most appropriate keywords for your website, the most crucial aspect is to place them in the right places in your website. For example, title tag, page header, page footers, URL and content pages.

2) Combination of Effective Internal Links: The easiest plan for starting SEO to your website is creating a good combination of internal links. Make sure the links you are creating are in appropriate working condition. Also, use the anchor text which are responsive to search engines.

3) Rich Content: You might have heard many times that “Content is King”. You should include the content on your website pages with relevant keywords. The content should be updated regularly. You may also start a blog that will enable you to add even more information.

4) Image and Site Map:
By adding appropriate images on your site, you can potentially gain more traffic to your site. However, make sure the images should match well with your website. Insert a site map to your homepage so as to enable search engines find your website easily.

5) External Relationship: In order to gain more traffic to your website, external linking is extremely important. Make special offers and leave a link on other websites so anyone clicking will land to your webpage. Talk to the webmasters of other websites and ask them to include your link to their website.

SEO is an art of improving your website ROI through advertising and making people land to your website. I’ve tried to disclose 5 key aspects here that you should put your attention on. If you find them useful, I would like to come up with more SEO tips in the future.

Saturday 27 February 2016

The Fundamentals of Buying a Domain Name

If you are interested in buying a domain name, there are basically two steps that you have to follow – making your decision about what name to choose and registering that domain name. Here is how you go about it.

1. Deciding the Domain Name

You will notice that purchasing a new domain name which is previously unregistered, is far simpler and cheaper than buying a domain which is owned by someone else. In fact, the field of domain names is completely engulfed by the speculators that buy thousands of domain names simultaneously, in the hope that someday a few of them will become popular. These names are then sold at ridiculously inflated rates.

Contrary to this, a new domain name can be registered for as low as $10 a year. However, it is still possible for you to register a great new domain name which you may have in your mind and isn't yet taken by anyone else.

To decide on what name you want to buy, think of the relevant keywords that are related to the theme you are considering. Then combine the keywords for finding the possible domain name. Of course, if you are purchasing a domain name relevant to the person's actual name, a company or a place name, the process will become far simpler. You can easily check the name by simply inserting the URL in the address field of a browser. If you get an error message displaying “Domain name doesn't exist”, then it's likely that the domain name is free yet so you can buy it.

2. Buying the Domain

In order to buy a domain name, go to a domain registration service. Simple set up an account with your name, address and email address – these details are needed to verify you as a legal owner of the domain – and finally register the domain. It will cost you around $10 for the domain registration. You can either choose standard registrations or the private ones, depending upon your own preferences. In the private registrations, your details as an owner will be kept private and will not be disclosed to the public. A good domain registrar will remind you through an email before the registration expires. This is to ensure you renew its period well within the specified  time period. Or you have an option to register the domain name for a longer period.

Once the domain belongs to you, you could opt to sign up for hosting and build a website; or you may leave it parked with the domain registration service for free, until you decide to use the domain yourself. You can also choose to sell the domain for a good amount of profit.