There are a variety of scams that include bulk domain registration or single domain name registration, but they usually include suspicious registrars who try out different methods to get money from you or want to take your (successful) domain from you by scam and then blackmail you to pay to get it back.
For example, there is a case when scammers search through a database to locate domains that will soon expire and will need to be renewed. Then the scammer sends an email with a seemingly official looking memo with an invoice urging you to pay for the domain renewal. Besides paying the scammer instead of your actual registrar for renewal of registration, they often include a domain name transfer to someone else, so you will not only pay for nothing but will also give away your domain name! This fraud works the best in case of bulk domain registration when you need to keep an eye on numerous different websites/domains, which can be a problem if you work alone and simply don't have time to pay attention to all the details.
There is also a case of a scam with trademark security. The trademark is important for serious companies, because a breach of trademark is considered a breach of law in the majority of countries and every businessman wants to abide by the law. In this case, the scammer will send an email stating that in their state there is a certain company that has submitted a request to register a domain with your name/brand. They will offer you consultancy services and state that if you authorize them, they will prevent that registration, or they will tell you that if you send them the money, they will register your brand/name domain onto you for several years in advance.
In general, the advice is to ignore these scammers and inform others about such cases.
In general, the advice is to ignore these scammers and inform others about such cases.
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